We will try to answer your questions

Please use this section to ask any questions about podiatric or biomechanical matters, or for any queries about the use of functional foot orthoses or our services.  

Whether you are a professional podiatrist or someone with a foot disorder, we will endeavour to clarify your doubts.  

The questions and answers in this section will be published provided that they are of general interest to the podiatry community or users.  

For other kinds of queries, please use our  CONTACT  section. 


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Todos los temas

Hi, I wanted information about the prices of the insoles and the steps to follow to send you a treatment…would the phenolic foam and the details of the patient with the description of the pathology be enough? I would be interested in offering my patients this service as at the moment I don’t have a workshop where I can perform these treatments. Thanks. 

Good morning Sonia, Thank you for contacting us. Our workflow is based on an online system where there is a prescription form that guides you through each step and then comes to us automatically. We work with both phenolic foams and with 3D scanning of the sole of the foot.   One of our sales team […]

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Good morning Sonia,
Thank you for contacting us.
Our workflow is based on an online system where there is a prescription form that guides you through each step and then comes to us automatically.
We work with both phenolic foams and with 3D scanning of the sole of the foot.  

One of our sales team will contact you soon to give you many more details.  
